Tips for the Winter Months – Dogs

We are entering some wintery months ahead and to make sure your dog continues to be in the best health, here is some advice during this season.
- Make sure when your dog is running around in the garden that there is a fresh water supply and that it hasn’t frozen over
- Be careful when walking your dog if it has snowed – snow can hide sharp objects which may cause injury, and can clump in your pet’s fur causing discomfort
- At this time of year, the grit lorries will be out in force. Grit and salt can cause irritation to your pet’s paws, so we recommend washing their paws to remove any build up after walking them
- Avoid the ice! Keep your pet on the lead around large water sources that may have frozen over. Not only can ice be sharp and cause injury, but to prevent them falling in the icy water should the surface break
- Keep them home in extreme cold. Just like in hot summer days, freezing cold cars can be dangerous for dogs too if they are left too long. Plan trips with your dog when necessary or for exercise but don’t leave them unattended for long periods
- Be seen! Our mornings and evenings are now darker so make sure your pet has a reflective collar, lead, clothing, etc if you are out on winter walks to make sure they can be seen easily by others
- Avoid those spills! Antifreeze can attract dogs due to its sweet taste, however it is extremely poisonous. Ingestion can cause serious illness, and in some cases can be fatal. Be sure to clean up any spills, keep any product in a place your dog does not have access and keep them on the lead when walking in residential areas
- Be prepared! In winter we never know what the weather might do, make sure you have enough food and supplies of medication for your dog if colder weather or snow is forecast
If you have concerns regarding your dog, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01908 397777.