vet checking microchip tag on a dog

Why microchip your pet?

Having your pet microchipped at Milton Keynes Vets gives them a permanent form of identification and increases the chance of you being reunited with them should they get lost. Each microchip holds a unique number,

Each microchip holds a unique number, recognisable by all vets, rescue shelters and local authorities, giving you complete peace of mind. This number, along with all your pet and contact information, is held on record by microchipping databases, and it is essential this information is up to date.  Any time you move or change your phone number you must update the details held on the database.  Failure to do so could lead to fines, but more importantly means you could not be contacted if your pet becomes lost.

Microchipping is now a legal requirement for dogs and pets travelling abroad, and will be soon for cats too. We also recommend it for rabbits and ferrets. By law all puppies should be microchipped and registered to the breeder on a Government approved national database by eight weeks of age. From June 2024, all kittens will also need to be microchipped by the age of twenty weeks.  Lots of cats roam freely and can find themselves a long way from home, often being picked up as a stray.  A microchip is the only sure-fire way of being reunited with your cat – collars and tags often fall off. This is also a safety net for the life of your pet should they ever become lost.  Some databases allow the breeder to transfer keepership to the new owner free of charge.  If not, your breeder should give you the information required to update your pet’s chip, or at least the name of the company to contact.

Rest assured, it’s a quick and simple process which involves little discomfort for your pet.

Book to get your pet microchipped

Updating or Transferring your pet’s microchip

If you have rehomed your pet privately and the previous owner is unsure of the details, or need to update your contact details and unsure who to contact, using your search engine type in “Check a Chip” and enter the microchip number to find out which database holds the existing records – this might be Petlog, Identibase, SmartTrac or Pettrac for example. There are currently fifteen national chip database companies approved by the Government.

You may be asked for evidence such as an adoption certificate or letter from the previous owner. In the absence of such evidence the host database may not change the details for 28 days whilst they attempt to contact the registered keeper to verify the change of keepership. Set yourself a reminder for 29 days – “Have I received confirmation that my pet’s chip has been registered to me?”  There may be a charge for changing details.


Sadly, there are scam companies who will come up first if you search on Google.  They will charge you but only that single database will hold your details – none of the National databases interface with them and so will only have the old details. No vets, rescue or other authority will ever find your new details – the chip details will be deemed “out of date” and there will be no way of reuniting you with your pet!

If you have any questions or are concerned your details are out of date, please speak to our reception team and we will be happy to help


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