Tips for the Winter Months – Cats

We are entering some wintery months ahead and to make sure your cat continues to be in the best health, here is some advice during this season.
- Make sure your cat has access to a fresh water supply. If your cat normally drinks from outdoor water sources, regularly check this hasn’t frozen over
- If you cat spends time outside, ensure they have a cosy area to provide them warmth if needed. Cats will unfortunately curl up anywhere that is warm and away from the elements during the colder months, so always check your car wheel arches before your start your journey
- Make sure your cat can be seen! Our mornings and evenings are now darker, and with cats who spend the majority of their time outside the home it is a good idea to make sure they have a reflective collar or tag (if they will tolerate one!) to help make sure they can be seen in the dark
- Prevent those spills! Antifreeze can attract cats due to its sweet taste, however it is extremely poisonous. Ingestion can cause serious illness, and in some cases can be fatal. Be sure to clean up any spills, keep any product in a place your cat does not have access
- Be prepared! In winter we never know what the weather might do, make sure you have enough food and supplies of medication for your cat if colder weather or snow is forecast
If you have any concerns regarding your cat, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01908 397777.