When you book a consultation with Milton Keynes Vets, you can expect a warm, friendly welcome and the best possible care and treatment from our experienced team.
Our standard consultations are 15 minutes, during which time we will listen to your concerns, thoroughly examine your pet and discuss any treatments required. We will also discuss the possible costs of further treatment.
Although we have several veterinary surgeons working for the group, we aim to keep your pet with the same vet where possible, particularly in complex or on-going cases. We also encourage owners to try to see the same veterinary surgeon so that a professional relationship can form and to help to maintain continuity in the care of your pet.
All of our vets spend time each week at our Walnut Tree Hospital and at our branch surgeries, enabling them to treat your pet every step of the way.
You are welcome to specify which veterinary surgeon you would like to see when you make the appointment with our receptionists.