I think my dog ate rat poison! What do I do?
Rodenticides such as rat and mouse poison are products manufactured to kill rodents. The ingredients in these products are extremely toxic and harmful to dogs and can cause symptoms of internal bleeding, organ damage or organ failure, and potentially even death.
There are several types of rat poison available which will affect dogs differently depending on the active ingredient they contain. Anticoagulant rodenticides are the most common type used within the UK – these products prevent blood from clotting and cause symptoms of internal bleeding.
Should you be concerned that your pet has had access to or eaten a rodenticide, this is an emergency and you should contact the practice immediately. It is important to provide as much as possible as this will help decide the best course of treatment – this includes the day and time of exposure and the product name. If you are able to, a photo of the rodenticide packaging or ingredient label is also incredibly useful.