Festive Foods to keep out of reach over the Christmas Holidays

- Chocolate:In chocolate there is a substance called Theobromine which is poisonous to our pets. It can be found in all types of chocolate – white, milk and dark.
- Onions:
All of the onion family, including leeks, garlics, chives and shallots whether they are cooked, dried or raw can be poisonous to dogs. - Christmas Cake and Mince Pies:
Raisins, currents and sultanas, as well as grapes, are common ingredients and can be poisonous. Please take care in order to keep cakes and snacks away from your pet. - Blue Cheese:
This cheese contains roquefortine C which animals are very sensitive to. Therefore is best to keep out of reach and dispose of any leftovers. - Bones:
It is common for small, cooked bones (especially from poultry) to fragment easily into pieces with very sharp edges when chewed. - Artificial Sweeteners:
Xylitol can be found in chewing gums, mints, sweets and liquorice. - Alcohol:
Most people are aware not to give alcoholic drinks to their pets, however alcohol poisoning in pets can be more common than you think!
If your pet ever ingests any of these food items, please contact the practice for advice.